Dear Joseph,
With the passage of SB1 through the state Senate 27-22 Wednesday evening, Pennsylvanians are closer than they've ever been to enjoying the benefits of true choice and competition in their school system.
For more than 10 months, FreedomWorks and our allies across the state have been fighting to achieve school choice, but the work isn't finished. The next stop for SB1 is the House of Representatives, where the continued leadership of Governor Corbett and support from all of our members will be required to make school choice a reality.
But first, please take a moment to thank those 27 Senators who stood up for Pennsylvania parents and students by voting in favor of school choice. As important as it is to make our voices heard when legislators mess up, it's equally crucial to thank them when they take a principled stand.
Here is a list of the Senators who voted yes on school choice:
Alloway, Argall, Browne, Brubaker, Corman, Dinniman, Earll, Eichelberger, Erickson, Folmer,McIlhinney, Mensch, Orie, Piccola, Pileggi, Rafferty, Robbins, Scarnati, Smucker, Tomlinson,Ward, Washington, Waugh, White, Don, White, Mary Jo, Williams, Yaw
Congratulations to the tens of thousands of Pennsylvanians who helped bring school choice this far by calling, emailing and visiting their state legislators and Governor Corbett.
With your continued help we will see SB1 finally become law and the future of Pennsylvania become even brighter.

Matt Kibbe
President and CEO, FreedomWorks
Remember that the education of a child should not be a LEFT/RIGHT issue. It should be a PARENT/CHILD issue. The more power an individual parent has to control the education of their child the more responsibility they will take in the process. Ultimately it is the kid who puts in the effort to educate him or her self. The sooner that we can find ways to reward hard working students with increased free time for them to explore the subject matter that most excites them the better off the student, parent and community.
Our education system needs a massive overhaul that recognizes the fact that my High School Freshman, armed with Google, can defeat any teacher she has had since Kindergarten at Trivial Pursuit. With all of the technological advancements we have had in the last 20 years, you would think there would be a way that we could help kids identify what they like and are good at and start them off at an earlier age focused on what they are adept at and enjoy. Instead we try to make them well rounded by wasting their time teaching them junk that they could care less about.
I will now quote John C. Maxwell from his book titled HOW SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE THINK, "No one can get to the highest level and remain a generalist. Find the one thing that you do really well and don't do anything else. I can't know everyone; I can't do everything; I can't go everywhere; I can't be well rounded. Being willing to give up some of the things you love in order to focus on what has the greatest impact isn't an easy lesson to learn. But the earlier you embrace it, the sooner you can dedicate yourself to excellence in what matters most.